Report preparation process
This is our third CSR report in which we present our approach to social, employee-related and environmental issues and our practices in these areas. This document is based on our CSR strategy and surveys conducted among our key stakeholders (business partners, vendors, employees and social organisations) during the work on its previous edition and the new CSR strategy for 2020–2023. In the latest report, we wanted to present the progress we have made in issues important to them, as well as our new commitments since the previous edition.
All the information presented here has been consulted with and verified by employees responsible for the individual areas of our activity, to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date. The report has not been verified externally.
Our CSR report for 2018–2019 follows the Core option of the Global Reporting Initiative international non-financial reporting standard. The information presented in the report applies to the period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2019 and reflects the state of affairs as at the end of the year (in a few isolated cases other periods are referenced, which is explicitly indicated in the report). The data we have collected comes from all offices we operate in: Poznań, Kraków, Wrocław, Warsaw, Toruń and Błonie. The previous report for 2017 was released in 2018.
No corrections to the information presented in the 2017 report were necessary in this year’s edition. No other changes have also been made in this respect.