Report preparation process

GRI Content Index
GRI Standard Number | Number of indicator | Place in the raport |
Profile indicators | ||
Organization profile | ||
GRI 102-1 | Name of the organisation | |
GRI 102-2 | Activities, brands, products, and services | |
GRI 102-3 | Location of the organisation’s headquarters | |
GRI 102-4 | Location of operations | |
GRI 102-5 | Ownership and legal form | |
GRI 102-6 | Markets served | |
GRI 102-7 | Scale of the organisation | |
GRI 102-8 | Information on employees and other workers | |
GRI 102-9 | Supply chain | |
GRI 102-10 | Significant changes in the organisation’s size, structure, ownership, or its value chain during the reporting period | ND |
GRI 102-11 | Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organisation | |
GRI 102-12 | Externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organisation subscribes or which it endorses | |
GRI 102-13 | Membership of associations | |
Strategy | ||
GRI 102-14 | Statement from senior decision-maker | |
GRI 102-15 | Key impacts, risks, and opportunities | |
Ethics | ||
GRI 102-16 | Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour | |
Management | ||
GRI 102-18 | Governance structure of the organisation, including committees of the highest governance body | |
Stakeholders engagement | ||
GRI 102-40 | List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organisation | |
GRI 102-41 | Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements | |
GRI 102-42 | Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage | |
GRI 102-43 | Approach to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group | |
GRI 102-44 | Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organisation has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reporting | |
Reporting process | ||
GRI 102-45 | Entities included in the consolidated financial statements | |
GRI 102-46 | Defining report content and topic boundaries | |
GRI 102-47 | List of material topics | |
GRI 102-48 | Explanation of the effect of any restatements of information provided in previous reports, and the reasons for and impact of such restatements | ND |
GRI 102-49 | Changes in reporting | ND |
GRI 102-50 | Reporting period | |
GRI 102-51 | Date of most recent report (if any) | |
GRI 102-52 | Reporting cycle | |
GRI 102-53 | Contact point | |
GRI 102-54 | Indication of whether the report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards in the Core option or the Comprehensive option | |
GRI 102-55 | GRI index | |
GRI 102-56 | Policy and current practice for external assurance | |
Detailed indicators | ||
Economic topics | ||
REPORTING ASPECT: Indirect Economic Impact | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 203-2 | Identification and description of significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts | |
Environmental topics | ||
REPORTING ASPECT: Taking care of the environment in Allegro's operations | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
Energy consumption | ||
GRI 302-1 | Energy consumption within the organisation by type of raw material | |
Emissions | ||
GRI 305-1 | Total direct greenhouse gas emissions by weight | |
Social topics | ||
REPORTING ASPECT: Employment conditions | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 401-1 | New employee hires and employee turnover (partially reported) | |
GRI 406-1 | Total number of incidents of discrimination | |
REPORTING ASPECT: Benefits for employees | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 401-2 | Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees | |
REPORTING ASPECT: Health and safety | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 403-2 | Type of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities | |
REPORTING ASPECT: Education and training | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 404-1 | Average hours of training per year per employee by gender, and by employee category | |
GRI 404-2 | Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings | |
REPORTING ASPECT: Employee evaluation | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 404-3 | Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews by gender and employment structure | |
REPORTING ASPECT: Diversity and equal opportunities | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 405-1 | Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category according to gender, age group and other indicators of diversity | |
REPORTING ASPECT: Products and services | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
Custom indicator | Customer Satisfaction Score | |
REPORTING ASPECT: Marketing communication | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 417-3 | Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion and sponsorship by type of outcomes | |
REPORTING ASPECT: Customer privacy protection | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 418-1 | Total number of legitimate complaints about breach of customer privacy and data loss | |
REPORTING ASPECT: Assessment of suppliers in terms of the working conditions provided | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 414-1 | Number of new suppliers selected in terms of meeting the criteria of working and social conditions as well as respecting human rights (partially reported). | |
Community involvement programs | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 413-1 | Percentage of sites with community engagement programs, impact assessments and development programs in place |